Sofia Gregorievna Chernysheva (1799 - 1847) m. Ivan Kruglikov (1787 - 1847)
child: Hippolyte
Chernyshev-Kruglikov (1834 - 1907)
grandchild: Sofia Chernyshev-Kruglikova m.
Alexander Bezobrazov
Alexander Bezobrazov (Александр Безобразов) was a Russian cavalry officer who served in Siberia ca. 1896. In 1898, as an unofficial "Secretary of State" under Tsar Nicholas II, Bezobrazov organized a group of Russian business men, known as the Bezobrazov Circle or Bezobrazov Clique, who decided to exploit timber concessions in the Far East along the Yalu River.
This exploitative policy led to serious conflicts with Korea, China and Japan, caused turmoil in the Far East and eventually resulted in the disastrous Russo-Japanese War of 1904.
The destruction of the Russian Navy by the Japanese consequently had serious repercussions at home in St. Petersburg, and the perceived corruption and weakness of the Tsar and his ministers became a factor in the uprisings and Pogroms (riots) of 1905.
See: The Memoirs of Count Sergei Witte p. 116 (Witte strenuously opposed the machinations of the Bezobrazov Circle, but lost his political battle)
See also: "The Bezobrazov Clique"at, which names the following men as members of the Bezobrazov Circle:
Grand Duke Aleksandr Mikhailovich
A. M. Bezobrazov (who was given the honorary title of state secretary in May 1903),
Rear Admiral Aleksei M. Abaza,
V. M. Vonliarliarskii,
N. P. Balashov,
M. V. Rodzianko,
Prince Ivan Illarionionvich Vorontsov,
Count F. F. Sumarokov-El’ston,
Vyacheslav K. Plehve (the Minister of Interior and director of secret police),
and others.
This exploitative policy led to serious conflicts with Korea, China and Japan, caused turmoil in the Far East and eventually resulted in the disastrous Russo-Japanese War of 1904.
The destruction of the Russian Navy by the Japanese consequently had serious repercussions at home in St. Petersburg, and the perceived corruption and weakness of the Tsar and his ministers became a factor in the uprisings and Pogroms (riots) of 1905.
See: The Memoirs of Count Sergei Witte p. 116 (Witte strenuously opposed the machinations of the Bezobrazov Circle, but lost his political battle)
See also: "The Bezobrazov Clique"at, which names the following men as members of the Bezobrazov Circle:
Grand Duke Aleksandr Mikhailovich
A. M. Bezobrazov (who was given the honorary title of state secretary in May 1903),
Rear Admiral Aleksei M. Abaza,
V. M. Vonliarliarskii,
N. P. Balashov,
M. V. Rodzianko,
Prince Ivan Illarionionvich Vorontsov,
Count F. F. Sumarokov-El’ston,
Vyacheslav K. Plehve (the Minister of Interior and director of secret police),
and others.
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